“I am JUST a VOLUNTEER.” How many times have people said that? No more “Justing!” allowed. No more volunteering allowed! You are the front lines of ministry. Jesus becomes real when real people like you live, wonder, struggle, talk about, and encourage faith are personally present. Here is your letter of call.
This is an invitation to enter into a modeling and mentoring youth ministry that supports our mission of…
STUDENTS equipped with
SKILLS for caring, welcoming and affirming others
LIVED every day, everywhere and in every relationship
LOVING, because Christ first loved us.
NAME OF CHURCH is excited and honored to invite you into this team of crucial, faith shaping, life affirming relational ministers. We think you will find this to be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling ministry experiences you could have. Please prayerfully consider this call. I will be contacting you this next week to answer any questions and talk further about possibilities.
Attached is a job description and a list of our standards. This will give you a beginning idea of what we are asking. Most of all we want you and your willingness to share in the faith and life of our youth.
Signed by (Youth Minister) Dated
Signed by Youth from our Leadership Team
(include the signatures of multiple youth)