For Your Youth Ministry!
A camp director once said to me, “I see retreat groups come out week after week. Most have good program plans, but do you know what their participants learn? They learn whatever the oldest kids in the group want to teach.”
Those words stuck with me. I can have great programs, wonderful theology, incredible curriculum, even an amazing confirmation plan, but all that is in vain unless I stack the deck with youth and adults who are modeling and mentoring the love, grace and hope of God.
Let me be blunt: Peer Ministry Leadership is not an add-on program that you may want to do “some day.” It is the essential core for creating a culture that is caring, welcoming and affirming of others throughout everything we do! I want them to be people who model loving others, because Christ first loved us. (I Jn. 4:19)
How do you make this happen?
Give youth and adults the face-to-face, heart-to-heart, person-to-person relational skills of Peer Ministry Leadership. We want to help you get started by coming to your church or to a group of churches in your area.
Your response?
__ I know it is a priority, so now is the time to get it into your plans. Let’s explore options and times.
__ I need to re-energize or add next step strategies that allow our youth to lead. Let’s consider which of our 16 solid strategies works for you!
__ I am not quiet sure what Peer Ministry Leadership is or how it works. Let’s talk any time. We love sharing our passions!
__ Our youth has amazing PML leaders and I want to uplift them by telling everyone about them! We love to hear your stories.
__ Our church has a great PML history and now we want to help train others our area. We would love your help in spreading the opportunities!
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