“Everyone has a story!” The young retreat participant expressed her Ah-Ha moment. Her discovery is a life changing shift! – a shift from a person being another speck in the nameless crowd, to a human worthy of being known; a person who shares humanity with the great joys and great sorrows that go with it.
“You cannot hate a person whose story you know.” – Margaret Wheatley
Sharing human stories bring people together, breaks down barriers, allows for differences, values uniqueness. Sharing story allows a person to see around the masks and appearance that we mistake as identity. Cliques break down. Cultures come together. Religious differences are understood.
“And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.” (Mt. 18: 20 The Message) There is something holy when two people connect through caring enough to know the other. Some have described it as a bit mystical. Relationship is a faith practice. I was taught that a sacrament uses earthly elements, bread, wine, water – as a means of grace. Maybe relationship should have been named a sacrament also. People are certainly earthly forms and the power of God’s grace is never more real than when the conversation connections take us deeper.
(1997, Vibrant Faith)
Real Questions
(2000, Augsburg Fortress, out of print)
Heart Ignite
(2003, Vibrant Faith written with Diane Monroe)
Faith Talk Coaster
(2005, Vibrant Faith, written with Dick Hardel)
Blessing Bowls
(2008 by artist Dawn Deines-Christensen, I originated the concept for Every Day milestones version and was the lead on the development of this product for Vibrant Faith)
Faith Talk
(2006, Four Key Version, Vibrant Faith with Andrea Fieldhouse-Griner)
Doing Likewise
(2011, EveryDay, now available on line )
Candle Times
(coming this summer!)
Jesus Quotes
(FREE discussion cards… EMAIL me at PML@EveryDayLLC.org)