PASTOR JASON STANTON The format, content and leadership of the Living Room Summit made this the most helpful continuing education event I have ever been to. Growing Christ-centered relationships, connecting “Church” and “Home”, and equipping adults to meet promises they make at a child’s baptism may not be new, but physically sitting in the presence of families who are participating in a ‘Building Bridges’ experience with Andrea, or experiencing a ‘Parent Share’ class with Marilyn gave me real hope that this could be done in my context, too. Too often, retreats or trainings fill my head with lots of ideas, but my hands and feet are never brave enough to go for it! For anyone who learns best by actually getting out from the lecture hall and into the lives of real people, the Living Room Summit wrings reality from the theoretical. The Summit didn’t just teach me; it will change my ministry.
PAM VIG Learning about family ministry in the setting of a home is brilliant! It was intimate, comfortable and so much better than sitting on hard folding chairs in a church basement or conference room. We left this conference feeling relaxed and energized, due to our gracious hosts, the comfortable setting, and the fact that we experienced the learning, rather than having to store it all in our heads.
RITA MARR Thank you for the rock solid basis on which to implement some amazing things here at Diamond Lake!
BARB FARMER The content was strong. I loved the three different approaches. Giving us the experience of the programming helped clear up many questions about logistics and implementation. I felt I had a good grasp on the content and how to go about using it in my ministry once I returned home. The length of the workshop was perfect. It gave us time to gel as a group and to absorb the content in a more peaceful way. The time for “being still” with God was such a gift. It made me feel centered and ready to go back to my ministries, rather than the overwhelmed “spin” I usually feel at the end of a workshop.
KRISTIN HILDEBRAND My expectations were not high enough. I was pleasantly surprised by all that happened. I had hoped to learn, to see real ministry happening…but to also experience connectedness with the others and fantastic sabbath was wonderful. To learn from authentic, experienced presenters was an honor! How will I ever do any other continuing ed? It won’t compare!