That’s right. Go! Get out of here! (I can’t believe I just wrote that!) But here is why, “Out of here” is where people are. Our youth ministry is people ministry. Our youth ministry is about our youth learning to care, to welcome and to affirm people every day, everywhere and in every relationship. That is why our church needs you on the sports teams, in the plays, in choir, on dance line and working in the community. The reality is that you are the church, “Out there.”
Jesus has left the building! Jesus made people real by being with people, caring for people wherever he was. Jesus picked people out of the crowd and cared, welcomed and affirmed them. He seemed to hang out with all the wrong people – the lame, blind, forgotten, pushed out; Jesus makes people real, not by waiting for people to come to youth group. Jesus goes and lives in the midst of people.
If your youth ministry needs to grow in the art of people ministry, then this is your time to
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