There it was all laid out on the table, my ministry, my work, my soul, my passions, my fears, strengths and weaknesses. I presented it all. Laid it on the table for my Peers to ask me the tough questions, to take me deeper, encourage me, help me, and move me through my road blocks. I asked them to be my truth tellers. These were other Youth and Family Ministers, in other congregations, doing similar work with similar hopes, fears, and dreams.
I had gone to the conferences, special speakers, workshops and trainings always advancing and growing my skills. But this was very different. These were people like me. They were invested in me because they lived, valued and believed in similar ministry. These people could understand from a real perspective.
My group experience formed after a researcher pulled us together to find out what made youth ministry work. After his interview we decided to meet for a series of months taking turns sharing what we did, why we did it, and how we worked. For me the experience was effective, discerning, and helpful, further shaping and expanding my ministry.
Out of this experience comes something new THE PEER REVIEW. An opportunity for you to critique and advance your ministry, while receiving professional coaching and professional spiritual direction.