The way to create the culture you want is to present it every time you gather. Ask one or two youth to share three things in thirty seconds!
something like…
I’m _____(your name)______ and I get to say, “We are really glad you are here!”
Don’t assume culture just happens. You create it by naming it! (Create your own list!)
Pick one and say it in your own words…
Who are we?
• We are part of a Christian Church with Christian leadership. Participants come from various religious traditions and varying degrees of belief and doubt.
• We are a people ministry, meaning we care about others. “We love because Christ first loved us” (I Jn. 4:19)
• We are all unique people. We think different is good. Your difference, makes us better!Sorry, we want you to know ahead of time, but we are not perfect people.
Who can come?
• Friends are always welcome. Even friends of friends! We have no membership expectations. We are not a club. You walk in, you belong.
• You are always welcome, even if you can only come once in a while. No one is keeping attendance.
• We do not discriminate because of race, religion, sexual orientation, ability or any other reason. All are welcome.
How do we treat each other?
• We don’t “should” on people. We don’t tell you what you have to be, do, or believe.
• We love humor and fun, but we try never to make fun of or put down others.
• This is a place that forgiveness is accepted and expected. We make mistakes. We admit them, forgive them and move on.
What are we about?
• We all live crazy busy lives. This is a place and time to “
• Come out of the traffic,” step away from the stresses of the week.
• Our conversations begin with scripture and flow into open discussions about faith and life.
• Our candle groups allow us think openly and talk freely. We imagine the atmosphere of a campfire. We pray a lot and in variety of ways. We strive to be aware of a loving, graceful God who is always aware of us.
What do we value?
• We want our atmosphere to be caring, welcoming and affirming of all people.
• It is okay to question, wonder, explore, even doubt. These are considered good things!
Go beyond FUN. It is, but bigger than that, it hits one of these four human need.
I come because… (in your own words.)
• I feel like there are people here that always accept me.
• Ilove my small group, talk that seems real, where people listen.
• I like that we can leave our masks at the door! I feel like I can be myself. I don’t have to pretend I am anything but me.
• People appreciate and accept me for who I am.
• I leave thinking the world is not all that bad. We have hope, faith and love.
• You are the people that get me through my week.
• I love it that we don’t just talk about service; we actually do it!
• We are trying to make this a bright spot, caring and welcoming everyone.